30 Day Challange to raise up independent learners

Come join us along this 30 day interactive journey as we share our ideas, stories, experiences and provide accountability for each other along the way.

The purpose is to raise up more independent learners within our homes.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 15

I wanted to let you all know that while I really enjoy writing for this blog, I have once again taken on too much at one time in my life and as a result, I am in a spot where I am feeling like I have sacrificed and put off my true priorities (what I feel Gods calling is for me, to actually homeschool and plan more fun things with and for my kids) to get other things I want to do accomplished. I am working on getting myself together in that department. It is a fine line between not having enough to do or then having way too much. I need to learn how to balance!!

Anyway, in sayinig this, I have got to forgo some things to allow my priorities to take a front seat again, as they should. I am not sure if anyone really reads this (besides Pam and Ellen, who I see anyway), but for now, I need to put the blog on the back burner instead of my kids.

I have enjoyed writing for you all and I hope that you have gotten something good for your own homeschooling out of this!

Thanks for tuning in and reading!


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 14

A recap and a question

Here is a recap on what we have talked about so far this series, I hope this will help you (as it did me as I was looking at it this morning) to shine a light on different areas in order to possibly set some new goals for yourselves and your families.

*We talked about using resources to help our kids find their own answers

*Using a timer to help us stay on track and motivated

*Help us to think of what is more important, finishing every subject or help our kids become better people

*Finding and planning a great schedule for our unique families

*Looking at what our insecurities are, where they may have come from and looking at how we can change them

*Looking at and sticking to our true priorities

*Looking at our biggest homeschool struggle to shed light for change in that area

*Remembering to Love and give Mercy to our children as God gives to us

*Slowing down in order to enjoy what you already have in your life

Question for you all:

For our next series, what would you like it to be about??

Nutrition and excercise for ourselves and our families?
Putting Organization into our lives?
Putting creativity back into our school days?

Please give your feedback on this so we can see what topic seems to be the most desired.

Peace in your day!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 13

Slowing down.......................................

I have been riding on a consistently moving hamster wheel for years. I take on numerous tasks at one time as if I am super women or mom in this case and I end up spreading myself so thin that I am not allowing myself to fully enjoy any of it. I burn myself out and wonder "what happened?"

A couple of years ago, God interrupted my hurried and worried thoughts one day with a comment that literally stopped me in what I was doing. I had, again, been wondering if I was doing the right thing with homeschooling the kids, were we doing enough, were we using the right curriculum, etc. Along came God and said "Give up your selfish ways and teach them what YOU feel is important". It is funny how when people say things to you, you may remember the jist of what they said but not the exact words over time. Not with this. I remember His words as if He spoke them to me just a few minutes ago. Now, I have thought about what those words really mean for 2 years now but have still continued on my treadmill of life getting involved in anything and everything, changing curriculums like the changing of the winds and not really settling on any one teaching approach either.

Yesterday, it finally hit me. How can I focus and think clearly about anything when I allow my mind and body to be involved in too many things at one time? No wonder why I burn out every other month (ok, maybe every 3 months or so).

So, last night, I set some time aside and thought about what I could do to change this. It hit me, I need to SLOW down and smell the roses of my life, to enjoy where God needs me the most.

I have really wanted to teach the kids with unit studies for years (for subjects like science, history and character and bible) but have never had the time or energy to put into going that route. I have continued to pretty much do school at home type learning because it was easy, predictable and did not take much energy from me. What has happened is that I have sacrificed time put into planning for boredom, being unsatisfied and unfocused with our school. So, my goal is to clear our schedule of fillers and clutter to create time to really be able to delve into planning fun, hands on, inspiring homeschool experiences for myself and the kids to do together.

God is good, if we only listen to Him!

Peace in your day