30 Day Challange to raise up independent learners

Come join us along this 30 day interactive journey as we share our ideas, stories, experiences and provide accountability for each other along the way.

The purpose is to raise up more independent learners within our homes.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 15

I wanted to let you all know that while I really enjoy writing for this blog, I have once again taken on too much at one time in my life and as a result, I am in a spot where I am feeling like I have sacrificed and put off my true priorities (what I feel Gods calling is for me, to actually homeschool and plan more fun things with and for my kids) to get other things I want to do accomplished. I am working on getting myself together in that department. It is a fine line between not having enough to do or then having way too much. I need to learn how to balance!!

Anyway, in sayinig this, I have got to forgo some things to allow my priorities to take a front seat again, as they should. I am not sure if anyone really reads this (besides Pam and Ellen, who I see anyway), but for now, I need to put the blog on the back burner instead of my kids.

I have enjoyed writing for you all and I hope that you have gotten something good for your own homeschooling out of this!

Thanks for tuning in and reading!



  1. I think it says a lot about you to actually admit that you have taken on too much. God will reward you for that! Sometimes we women think that it is our job to keep the world running when all God really wants from us is to keep our own little world running. I enjoyed reading your posts (and look forward to more when you find the time) May God give you all the time you need to get done the things he wants you to do.

  2. Good for you, it is nice to have your priority straight:)
